Posted: November 19th, 2014

Prejudice as self-image maintenance: Affirming the self through derogating others. (Fein & Spencer, 1997; particularly pp. 31-34) 2) Brainstorming groups in context

Prejudice as self-image maintenance: Affirming the self through derogating others. (Fein & Spencer, 1997; particularly pp. 31-34) 2) Brainstorming groups in context:

Effectiveness in a product design firm. (Sutton & Hargadon, 1996)

Project description
Article 1)

Article 2)

1st paper questions:
Prejudice as self-image maintenance: Affirming the self through derogating others. (Fein & Spencer, 1997; particularly pp. 31-34)

1. State what the hypotheses are in Study 1.

2. What were the independent variables in Study 1?

3. How did they measure the dependent variables in Study 1?

4. What inferential statistical method did they use in Study 1?

5. In your own words briefly describe what the main findings were in Study 1.

6. Can you think of how the findings from Study 1 may apply to behaviour in the workplace? Give examples.

2nd paper questions:
Brainstorming groups in context: Effectiveness in a product design firm. (Sutton & Hargadon, 1996)

7. Using your own words, briefly summarise what this paper is all about.

8. Based on the literature review in the paper, explain how the research in this paper differs from previous research in the field of brainstorming research.

9. What does this article tell us about the benefits and shortcomings of quantitative and qualitative research methods?

10. To what extent do you think the findings of this study can be generalised and applied to other organisational settings?

Your paper should be no more than 2,000 words in total (including title page).

Most of the answers are in the paper (except for Qs 6 and 10). Additional useful information regarding research methods and statistical analysis is available in Arnold

et al. (2010) Chapter 2. This is a useful exercise in both learning to absorb academic papers, prcis them and draw out salient points. It also gives you a taste of how

research is conducted in the social sciences.

You should write your answers clearly and succinctly in your own words. You should not need to refer to any other literature.

Keep it concise. Most of these questions, especially the first 4, can be answered in just a sentence or two. Give the question number for each answer.

Any words that appear in the paper that you use to quote please quote correctly using quotation marks as all plagiarism will be penalised. In this case, as it is

obvious that you are quoting from the set paper, you do not need to provide full author and date details.

This assignment will be marked out of 100 and will be worth 40% of your marks.

Marking Criteria

Each question has an allocation of 10 marks. The marking criteria are shown below so you know what is being asked for in this assignment as a whole.

Accuracy of answers 60%
Completeness of answers 20%
Clarity of writing 10%
Reference to relevant module/concepts/literature 10%


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