Posted: September 17th, 2017

Prepare a partnership proposal or sponsorship proposal of a company with another company.

Prepare a partnership proposal or sponsorship proposal of a company with another company.

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The proposal is to demonstrate your learnings in the course. It should form a proposal from one company to another. You can use any two existing companies. I would suggest it is from an Arts Company and you make the proposal to a company that would be the sponsor.

For examples of the existing Arts Company that is sponsored:
– The Archibold Awards & ANZ
– Sydney Theatre Company & Audi and Suncorp
– Sydney Youth Orchestras & NRMA

Questions to ask:
What is an appropriate company for the arts organisation?
How can it help the arts organisation reach an appropriate audience or achieve a particular strategic goal?
What are the benefits to each party?

Succinctly cover off key aspects of your proposal such as: partnership concept ; target market; respective responsibilities; branding; benefits to each party; operational impact; proposed timeline; next steps; contact info.

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