Posted: September 13th, 2017

presentism, eternalism, the growing block view, the moving spotlight view

Which view of the nature of time is the correct one: presentism, eternalism, the growing block view, the moving spotlight view, or some other view?

1) The first paragraph must contain a thesis statement, of the form “In this paper, I am going to argue that …” (or similar form).

2) You must then go on to give an argument for your thesis. Think of your audience as being a fellow student in the class, one who disagrees with your thesis. You are trying to convince them that you are right and they are wrong.

3) You must then consider objections to your thesis. For example, you can say: “Someone might object to the argument I’ve just given as follows.” Then give what you take to be a prima facie strong objection to your argument. Explain why the objection fails. You can raise just one objection, or multiple objections; it’s up to you.

4) Your paper must end with a concluding paragraph, summarizing what you’ve established in the paper.

5) Your paper should be about 3-5 pages, double-spaced. Quality is more important than quantity.

6) Don’t make grammatical mistakes. Don’t make category mistakes. Be aware of the use/mention distinction.

7) Your paper should be narrowly focused. Feel free to make assumptions, so that your paper just shows what follows from those assumptions. Don’t give a whole bunch of different arguments for your view; focus on one argument.

8) Your paper (like all papers) should have a title.


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