Posted: December 7th, 2013

Price-cap as Monopoly Regulation Mechanism

Description: Guidelines for the Essay Submission 1) Each group must submit a hard copy of a short essay/report of minimum 2 pages and maximum 4 pages, A4
paper size, single space, Times New Roman Font, and number 12 font size, excluding cover, references, graphs or tables. 2) This report must entirely be
written in your own words. Plagiarism will be penalised severely. You are free to quote (to some extent) from some specific sources, but the essay must
reflect your own understanding of the topic. That is, read as many sources as you consider adequate, and then write in your own words by citing the
sources you found. References must be cited using the Harvard Bibliography Style. 3) At least 1 of the references must be an academic paper from a
database such as JSTOR or Google Scholar. There should be at least 3 different references in total cited in your report. 4) In this essay submission you
must include the following aspects for the topic you have been assigned (the percentage of each component for the evaluation of your report is given in
parenthesis): a. (20%) An introduction containing a brief definition or description of the topic. b. (20%) Brief historical background. For example, when
was the theory developed; who proposed it; what were the circumstances or motives for its appearance, etc. c. (40%) Main economic components or
ideas of the topic. Here you should focus on describing in more detail the main economic aspects of the topic based on economic theories and economic
analysis. You could also provide some examples or real cases if you consider them important to explain the topic in a better way. d. (20%) List of
references or bibliography using the Harvard Bibliography Style.
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