Posted: December 4th, 2013

PRIMARY evidentiary material in a court case

Each student will complete a written five (5) page Research Paper. The student will submit a research paper that discusses a fingerprint detection method utilized as the PRIMARY evidentiary material in a court case. Examples of such cases include the Brandon Mayfield case (Madrid Train Bombing), the Stephen Cowens case, the case of Thomas Jennings, or the “Night Stalker” Richard Ramirez. These are but a sample of the types of cases accepted; you will require your specific topic approval from your instructor.
The completed research paper will include the following: Use the rules of APA writing style throughout the paper. Use 12-point font, double-spaced format, and one-inch margins throughout the paper. Length should be approximately five (5) pages long (this does not include your title page or references). Paper will include a header (i.e., the shortened title of paper and page number). APA regulations require a reference page including all references ascribed to in paper; properly cite the sources both in the body of the paper and on a separate “References” page. Paper must include two (2) scholarly references (i.e., peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles) AS WELL AS one (1) textbook, of which the course text is allowed. Other popular journals or legal research websites (such as WESTLAW) will be acceptable but should be considered secondary references in addition to the two scholarly journal references and textbook reference. If you are uncertain as to what a “scholarly journal source” represents, please make certain to contact the Library so they may assist you.

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