Posted: September 14th, 2017

principal investigator (PI)

principal investigator (PI)

Research Problem
Here the principal investigator (PI) is examining the widespread issue of fraud amongst financial institutions. They inspect financial fraud by utilizing both credit card and online banking examples where there are some identification processes in place to deter greater losses. However, the PI goes on to explain that despite the sophisticated fraud detection policies used amongst financial institutions, heavy losses still occur. Throughout the narrative, there are numerous questions posed about the issue at hand. Regarding whether the field of fraud detection and cyber security can be improved by new technology, it is quite clear the answer is yes. This can best be done by treating cyber security like any other science, where growth and improvement are always possible. Innovating technology and therefore staying ahead of the malicious user is imperative.
Although the assumptions between malicious and abnormal behavior may not always hold true, it is important to have a starting point for analyzing potentially malicious behavior. The granularity of the analyzing itself is where improvement should be made so that abnormal behavior that is not malicious can be examined and ruled out with efficiency.
A solid footing in our models of normal transaction semantics and value can be established but at a high enough level that assumptions do not lead to security holes. No level can be considered perfectly safe but standards can be achieved.
Although it may appear as though the real time cyber decision making and the ease of dynamic change in criminal signatures presents insurmountable challenges for behavior detection techniques, this is not the case. The method by which we confront these attacks must be agile in nature and never outdated. Combating an ever changing environment of signatures and their skilled attackers will take equal if not greater skill for those who defend against such threats.
Research Purpose
The purpose of this research is to establish fraud detection analytics, based on abnormal behavior identification by Using Abnormal Behavior Detectionsystems to Identify Malicious Actors.

Research Question
What abnormal behavior techniques can be used to identify different fraud cases?
What techniques are expected to attain success when applied in the broader cyber security domain?
Can the field of fraud detection (and cybersecurity in general) be improved by new technology and approaches?
How does the system determine which system is a normal behavior or malicious behavior?
Does the real time nature of cyber decision making, and the ease of dynamic changes in the criminal’s attack signature, present insurmountable challenges for behavioral techniques?

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