Posted: November 27th, 2014

principles of interactive media

principles of interactive media

Order Description

1. Terms & acronyms • Complete sheet available on MIBT portal
2. Illustrator – class exercise CD in cover back & front (provided by lecturer in class) – step by step instructions in class – colour print typesetting – including the word “multimedia” produce 4 mast heads that include other relevant information e.g. date and volume – magazine genre discussed in class – B&W print
final drawing – use the Template provided from the MIBT portal – produced in class with further Illustrator skills – colour print
3. Type terms • Complete sheet available on MIBT portal – this sheet will be completed during the lecture (week 3)
4. Layout & typeset an article for a magazine (written article available on MIBT portal) – (style of magazine discussed in class) – maximum 3 pages produced in MS Word • hierarchy of set styles – main heading – introductory paragraph – sub. headings – pull quote – captions – list – bulleted or numbered • header &/or footer • columns • lines, borders, shading • minimum 3 graphics (from web sites) with captions • special symbols or characters • proofread & spell check – colour print
5. Photoshop – class exercise (learning Photoshop) – B&W print
class exercise (disk montage) – B&W print
final montage – use the illustration that you created in Illustrator (template) and montage it onto a background in Photoshop. Add a heading that gives a preferred meaning to the image. The image may be surreal. – colour print – document process
When you have completed the layout & typesetting for the article you must write 200 words explaining the functions of the images you have used and the functional use of colour.


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