Posted: December 4th, 2013

private ryan1

aper instructions:
    Review a film that portrays ANY psychological disorder, including your research on that disorder. Does the film accurately show the symptoms and treatments? How could the film have been improved, while still maintaining the integrity of the storyline?

    This paper must follow the standard MLA or APA format (5-7 pages, typed, double-spaced, 1″ margins, site your sources, etc.). Don’t just paraphrase what you read…tell me WHY this topic interests you. Your research should expand on the knowledge provided in the textbook and the class. This class is like a buffet: taste a little of everything, but choose your favorite for a second helping! Your research paper is your second helping. Learn more about your favorite topic and communicate what you’ve learned to me.

    Attach your research paper in MSWord or .txt format ONLY. I cannot accept WordPerfect or MSWorks files. If you don’t know how to attach a file, ASK me before the deadline.

    College guidelines on plagiarism are strictly enforced. Original work is expected; copying off the internet is considered plagiarism. Quoting a source is fine when necessary, but sources MUST be cited.

    book used movies and mental illness by danny
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