Posted: September 16th, 2017

Problem Base Learning: Ethical and Professional HRM

Problem Base Learning: Ethical and Professional HRM

Order Description

Report Structure

1. Introduction

Including brief description of situation, any parameters or constraints on your analysis, any assumption made, and an explanation of your thesis, that is what you are going to argue in this paper
Note: This must include specification of the role, organization and date; relative to the your articles on which you are relying (Eg. I am the HR manager of the Pingyu Coal and Electric Co in Henan Province, on 17 June 2011, six month after the serious mine collapse)
Note: my article link :

Key sentences

This paper seeks to ……
This specific situation which I plan to address is …
I will assume that …
I will argue that …

2. Analysis of the conflict of interests

Context – the information (and only the information) that will help the reader understand the nature of the conflict
Analysis of the conflict – That is, what are the interest of the (group of) employees you are considering? (state 2 interests)
What are the interests of the (group of) owners/managers you are considering? (state 2 interests)
How are these interests in conflict? What is the impact?
Note: This must be supported with evidence from practical and academic sources on the particular topic/source of the conflict
My main issue is Health & Safety

Key sentences

To properly understand the nature of the conflict between the parties, it is important to understand the following factors …
The interest of the (group of) employees are … (pls relate my main issue)
The interest of the (group of) owner/mamager are …(pls relate my main issue)
These interests are in conflict when …
The impact of this conflict is that …. (My main issue is Health & Safety)

3. Three Option – Option 1, Option 2, Option 3

Note: Explanation of each option, and why/how it would address the conflict of interests, based on evidence of the effectiveness of these options

Key sentences

As the HR manager of ….., there are many possible options available to me in this situation ….
Three specific options, which are each described in more detail below are …

4. Choosing the most ethical and/or professional option (must words 750)

Ethical HRM behavior and Professional HRM behavior
What is ethical behavior, what is professional behavior and are they the same?
Explanation of choice of option (that you mentioned from above 3 options)
Why is this option the most ethical and/ or professional? Why would you choose it?

Note: you must use academic sources to help explain your understanding of ethical and professional behavior. These may include (but are not limited to)
lecture references and recommended reading.

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