Posted: September 13th, 2017

Process Analysis Report of Subway (Operations Managment Project)

Process Analysis Report of Subway (Operations Managment Project)

Need a complete process analysis report of the “Subway” brand.
-A description of the company (Subway)
-A description of the methodology (Process analysis explained with formulas)
-Analysis of the results
-Interpretation of the results
-A conclusion
-Also inlcude Productivity Ratio, Utilization Ratio, Effeciency ratio, run time, setup time, operation time, flow time, throughput rate, inventory turnover, total ave value of inventory, days of supply, flow charts, explanation of Subways push-pull hybrid strategy.
Need qualitative or quantitative date (real data, not fictional)
Please use graphs and diagrams as well
All formulas and calculation work must be shown .
Please refer to “operations and supply chain management global edition” by Chase Jacobs for examples (process analysis is Chapter 5)

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