Posted: September 17th, 2017

Process Innovative Proposal

Follow the IBDM five-step roadmap  to prepare a 1,375 word proposal in which you apply the steps to the creation of an innovative business process for the Process Innovative Proposal. Explain the unique nuances of innovative process development as it relates to the IBDM.

• Process Innovative Proposal: To enhance efficiency within a Buffet (food prep or food presentation or lines or payment, etc…)

Identify unknown problems and unmet opportunities before you develop an innovative strategy to address them.

Follow the IBDM five-step roadmap to prepare proposal in which you apply the steps to the creation of an innovative business process. The five steps are

• Assessment of the situation

• Identification of the problem and opportunity

• Creative concept development

• Prototype development

• Implementation, validation, and refinement

Explain the unique nuances of innovative strategy development as it relates to the IBDM.

(Innovation Business Design Model)


1. Assessing the situation

2. Identify problem/opportunity

3. Creative concept development

4. Prototype development

5. Implementation, validation, and refinement

• Assessing the situation:

– The business professional will proactively examine the internal/external business environment

looking for opportunities to innovate in order to create a competitive advantage. 

• Identify and define problem/opportunity:

– The business professional identifies specific unknown and/or unmet problems/opportunities. 

• Creative concept development:

– The business professional will use creative thinking techniques and inspiration to develop

innovative and practical concepts to address the identified problems/opportunities. 

• Prototype development:

– The business professional designs and develops innovative practical concepts as iterative models

for testing and evaluation. 

• Implementation, validation, and refinement:


– The business professional evaluates the outcomes of the creative concept development to

determine appropriate enhancements, improvements, or exit strategies (cancellation).


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