Posted: September 16th, 2017

process through which an HR manager might develop and validate a set of HR metrics and link them to his/her organizational strategy.

process through which an HR manager might develop and validate a set of HR metrics and link them to his/her organizational strategy.

1. Describe the complete process through which an HR manager might develop and validate a set of HR metrics and link them to his/her organizational strategy.
2. First, give me an example of a null and alternative hypothesis for the following question: Is there a relationship between the number of MSHR classes taken and entry-level salary? Second, tell me how you would test your hypothesis using a) a correlational design and b) a quasi-experimental design, including how you would measure your constructs of interest.  Third, give an example of a possible mediator OR moderator variable you could test with an additional hypothesis. Tell me whyyour variable is a mediator (moderator) rather than a moderator (mediator).

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