Posted: September 13th, 2017

Production and Human Resource Management

Production and Human Resource Management

Order Description

you have been appointed as Managing Director of a large multi-national construction company to head up the UK Design and Build arm. This is to be a new company and whilst many of the core admin functions will be provided by the parent company, the Main Board of Directors has decided that the creation of this new company gives them the opportunity to look at modern methods of management, production and human resource management. The new company is expected to win and deliver a wide variety of multi million pound Design & Build contracts in the UK.
Produce a report that details the type of organisational structure and strategies that this new company should adopt.
This report should include an evaluation of the optimum level of senior management, their roles and responsibilities; an investigation the feasibility of employing flexible working patterns and practises for staff; an analysis the issues involved in establishing a safety and continuous quality improvement culture and
discussion of the advantages of implementing modern methods of project management and construction on their future projects.
Allowable word count 3000 (excluding references/bibliography)

Guidance on Structure
? Read the Brief carefully.
? The word limit means that you will need to pay careful attention to the content of your report; be specific rather than generic.
? Research the subject area and develop the ability to paraphrase what has been written rather than ‘littering’ the report with direct quotes.
? Ensure that all sources of information are well referenced using the Harvard system of referencing.
? Ensure that your report has a conclusion that has been evidenced from the content of the report

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