Posted: July 12th, 2013

Production Practies

For the Assignment you are required to study production practices of real company. You can choose any of
the discussed areas in this course. Here are some suggested topics:
• Demand Forecasting
• Quality management
• Aggregate planning
• Location Strategies
• Inventory management models
• Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
• Theory of Constraints and bottleneck management
• Managing the Supply Chain
• Managing Inventory
• Short Term Scheduling
• JIT, Lean Operations, Toyota Production System
On the chosen topic and company you are required to:
• Provide background information regarding the company including size, business type, areas of operations,
competitors etc.
• Provide detailed information about the chosen topic. For example if you choose ‘quality’ you need to
discuss about the type of process used in the company, quality practices used in the company, commitment
level of different organizational levels toward quality, is there any detection, prevention or improvement
processes in the company, how company measure its quality etc.
• Collect real data for the chosen topic and then show the current status of the company in the chosen topic.
For example if your topic is MRP you need to discuss about bill of material, master schedule, inventory
status file, lot size, lead time, and more important cost of MRP etc.
• Provide solution to improve the performance and also efficiencies of the operations in the company.
Assessment Criteria: The distribution of the marks for assignment is as follows:
· Company Information: Detailed background information of the company including size,
business type, areas of operations, competitors etc. (2 marks)
· Identify the problem. Clearly explain about the problem and assumptions. Clarity and
comprehensiveness of the problem identification should be addressed. (3 marks)
· Topic: Detailed information about the chosen topic. Why is this topic chosen? Current status of
the topic in the selected company. Use appropriate referencing to sources. (3 marks)
· Data Collection: the comprehensiveness of the data collected required for the project analysis.
You are required to collect real data for the chosen topic. Students should use different resources
for collecting data: interview, company reports, etc. (4 marks)
· Analysis and Discussion (6 marks):
• Show all analysis based on the collected data.
• Compare the current situation and your suggested model in terms of the cost, profit, sale etc.
• Explain about the areas of improvement based on your suggested model. Discuss about the
practical implications of the solution and how to improve the overall performance. CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS ESSAY!!!!
· Overall presentation of the assignment (2 marks):
• Clarity of presentation and the sequence of the topics
• Correct Referencing
• Executive Summary
• Table of content
• List of Figures/ Tables
• Introduction
• Research Objective
• Discussion and Conclusion
• References
• Page numbering
• Cover sheet
• Appendix (if any)
• Compliance with the word limit
Total 20
Suggested Structure of the report:
• Executive Summary
• Table of content
• List of Figures/ Tables
• Introduction
• Research Objective
• Discussion on the chosen topic (clearly explain about the topic using journal papers, book but not
• Discussion on Current situation on the chosen topic in the context of a real company.
• Data Analysis: based on the acquired data form the company
• Suggestions: the suggested areas for improvement, discussion on your solution for improvement.

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