Posted: September 13th, 2017

Professional Development and Certification

Professional Development and Certification



As you are aware, there are numerous nursing organizations available for professional development, community service, and information. There are also numerous certifications you can obtain through professional societies or organizations to improve a profession’s quality of practice, recognize an individual’s knowledge and skills in a specialty, and increase your earning potential, empowerment, and contributions to positive outcomes. In this week’s Discussion you will investigate various professional organizations’ websites and potential certifications offered.


•When viewing professional organizations, view their mission, vision, and value statements. Examine their strategic plan, the impact it may have on your clinical practice, networking opportunities with fellow professionals, and whether or not a local or regional chapter is available for you to join.
•When exploring certifications, examine the types of practice certification ANCC offers and other professional organizations. Probe the criteria for certification and determine your own readiness for becoming certified.
•Develop a plan for joining one professional organization and achieving one certification.
DISCUSSION: To prepare for this Discussion, research professional and specialty organizations to identify which organizations and certifications align with your vision for the future of nursing, your professional development goals, your continued lifelong learning, and your commitment to the profession.


With these thoughts in mind, post the following:


•A description of your personal and professional development goals (at least two).
•Identify one organization you can envision helping you meet these goals.
•An explanation of how this organization supports your vision of professional development and continued lifelong learning.
•The feature that draw you to this organization and how you might participate.
•Identify one certification you can envision helping you meet these goals.
•Explain your plan for achieving certification and identify how certification makes a positive difference for nurses, patients, the profession, or organizations.Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.

NB:I would like to talk about oncology nursing certification (ONC) through Oncology Nursing Society. And my goal is to become a specialized oncology nurse educator.

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