Posted: September 13th, 2017

Project Management – Business

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements


Section 1
Word Length: Approx. 1500 words

Demonstrate that you understand project management principles

You will need to:
· describe the background and principles of project management

· appraise the viability of projects, developing success/failure criteria

· explain the principles behind project management systems and procedures

· explain the key elements involved in terminating projects and conducting post-project appraisals

Section 2
Word Length: Approx. 1500 words

Explain how you would manage a project’s human resources

You will need to:
· identify the most appropriate organisational structure, roles and responsibilities of participants within a project

· control and co-ordinate a project

· assess project leadership requirements and qualities

· plan and specify human resources and requirements for a project

Section 3
Word Length: Approx. 1500 words

Demonstrate how you would apply project processes and procedures

You will need to:
· prepare project plans and establish the project organization

· apply project scheduling, estimating and cost control techniques

· analyse the methods used to measure project performance

· explain project change control procedures evaluate the completed project.



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