Posted: September 5th, 2015

Project Proposal – Logic Model


Project Proposal Activity (LASA 1)
Submit a minimum two-page paper which answers the following question:
Consider the program (or type of program) that you intend to evaluate for your final project.
1. Create a logic model based on information presented in Module 2.
2. Your project paper should be in Microsoft Word 2000 or higher. Remember to follow the most current APA style standards. Your paper should be double-spaced and in 12 point font. It should not exceed five pages and should include an additional page that lists your citations.
Present  a clear, logical discussion to identify:
• key questions asked to determine evaluability of the proposed project
• effective methods for carrying out the assessment of evaluability 12
Identify possible challenges and supports to carry out this evaluation. 4
Reference appropriate supportive documentation. 2
Utilize correct APA format for headings, margins, spacing, citations, etc. 2
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