Posted: February 3rd, 2015


In Project Practicum III, students will develop and submit a project update about the implementation of the project approved in Project Practicum II. The update will:
1.    Provide a brief introduction and overview of the approved topic and project.
2.    Provide a detailed summary of implementation to date.
3.    Discuss actual and potential issues or problems, both those encountered to this point and anticipated during continued implementation.
4.    Identify any changes or alterations required or anticipated in the original methodology.
5.    Provide an updated and detailed timeline for completion of the project during the remainder of the DNP program.
6.    Provide any other pertinent information related to the project.
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
Implement care delivery approaches that meet current and future needs of patient populations based on scientific findings.
Integrate best practice for quality improvement of healthcare and patient safety at the microsystem level.
Synthesize scientific knowledge and clinical practice expertise to support a change in clinically relevant evidence-based practice.
Integrate theory with scientific knowledge and clinical expertise for informed clinical practice.
Apply effective strategies for managing clinical issues inherent in health care delivery in micro and macro systems.
Apply an evidence-based approach to a clinical problem to design a practice change at the micro or macro system of health care delivery.
Design an evidence-based Capstone practice change project to address a clinical issue at the microsystem level..
1.    Provide a brief introduction and overview of the approved topic and project, but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, p. 63). (1-2 pages).
2.    Provide a detailed summary of implementation to date (3-5 pages).
3.    Discuss actual and potential issues or problems, both those encountered to this point and anticipated during continued implementation (1-3 pages).
4.    Discuss any changes or alterations required or anticipated in the original methodology (1-3).
5.    Provide an updated and detailed timeline for completion of the project during the remainder of the DNP program (1 page).
6.    Provide any other pertinent information related to the project (No more than 3 pages).
7.    Include a complete reference list.
8.    Follow APA formatting and style.
Compose a 7-17 page paper that presents a detailed update of the implementation of your approved project. The page limit relates to the body of the paper only and does not include the cover sheet or reference list. The paper must be complete, polished, and reflect doctoral level writing skills. The grading rubric should be reviewed carefully as you prepare the paper to ensure that all required elements are included.
Category    Points    %    Description
Introduction and Overview     20    13%    An introduction to the relevance of the topic, a brief summary of the support for the problem, and an overview of the approved project.
Summary of Implementation     50    30%    An articulate, concise, and professionally written summary of the implementation of the project to date.
Issues or Problems     20    13%    Presents current or anticipated issues or problems relating to the project.
Methodological Changes    20    13%    Identifies and discusses the rationale for any current or anticipated methodological changes from the approved project proposal.
Timeline    20    13%    Includes a detailed timeline that accounts for all activities that must occur to conclude project by Week 8 of Capstone V.
Writing Skills/APA    20    13%    Use of standard English grammar and sentence structure. No spelling errors or typographical errors. Organized and logically sequenced. APA style must be adhered to. All information taken from another source, even if summarized, must be appropriately cited and referenced using APA (6th ed.) format.
Total:    150    100%    A quality essay will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Assignment Criteria    Meets Criteria    Partially Meets Criteria    Does Not Meet Criteria
Introduction and Overview
(20 Points)    An introduction to the relevance of the topic, a brief summary of the support for the problem, and an overview of the approved project are provided. All elements of the intro and overview and clear, articulate, and logically sequenced. The overall message is clearly conveyed in a professional and polished manner.
17-20 Points    An introduction to the relevance of the topic, a brief summary of the support for the problem, and an overview of the approved project are provided. Some elements of the intro and/or overview are unclear or are not logically sequenced.  The overall message is still conveyed but not in a polished manner.
13-16 Points    An introduction to the relevance of the topic, a brief summary of the support for the problem, and/or an overview of the approved project is not provided, or is unclear and/or not logically sequenced and/or the overall message is not conveyed adequately. Lacks qualities of professional writing.
0-15 Points
Summary of Implementation
(50 Points)    An articulate, concise, and professionally written summary of the implementation of the project to date. All pertinent information about the implementation phase is included. The information is logically sequenced, concise, and detailed.
46-50 Points    A professionally written summary of the implementation of the project to date. Most pertinent information about the implementation phase is included. The information is generally logically sequenced, concise, and detailed, but could show improvement in at least one area.
42-45 Points    A written summary of the implementation of the project, but may not be complete. Pertinent information about the implementation phase is not included. The information is not logically sequenced, and/or not concisely written, and/or lacks adequate detail to effectively convey the information.
0-41 Points
Issues or Problems
(20 Points)    Presents current or anticipated issues or problems relating to the capstone project with detail. The information specifically relates to the project topic and demonstrates a high (above average) level of critical thinking and problem solving skills.
17-20 Points    Presents current or anticipated issues or problems relating to the capstone project although the details could be enhanced in at least one instance. The information generally relates to the project topic but may stray at times. Demonstrates an average level of critical thinking and problem solving skills.
13-16 Points    Incompletely presents current and/or anticipated issues or problems relating to the capstone project. The information generally relates to the project topic but often strays off topic. Demonstrates below average level of critical thinking and problem solving skills expected at this stage of the educational process.
0-15 Points
Methodological Changes
(20 Points)    Identifies and discusses the rationale for any current or anticipated methodological changes from the approved project proposal. The changes are supported with a sound rationale and appropriate evidence. An understanding of the impact of the potential changes to the entire project is clearly evident.
17-20 Points    Identifies and discusses the rationale for any current or anticipated methodological changes from the approved project proposal. The changes are supported with a rationale and appropriate, although the rationale and evidence may not be completely sound. An understanding of the impact of the potential changes to the entire project is vaguely evident.
13-16 Points    Identifies and discusses the rationale for any current or anticipated methodological changes from the approved project proposal. Not all changes are supported with a rationale and appropriate evidence or the rationale and/or evidence used are unsound in more than one instance. An understanding of the impact of the potential changes to the entire project is not evident.
0-15 Points
(20 Points)    Includes a detailed timeline that accounts for all activities that must occur to conclude project by the eight week of Capstone Practicum V. The timeline is presented in a table format and includes, as a minimum, the activity, the date it will be started, the date it will be concluded, any pertinent comments.
17-20 Points    Includes a timeline that accounts for most activities that must occur to conclude project by the eight week of Capstone Practicum V. The timeline is presented in a table format and includes all but one of the following: the activity, the date it will be started, the date it will be concluded, any pertinent comments.
13-16 Points    Includes a timeline but it lacks detail and does not account for more than two activities that must occur to conclude project by the eight week of Capstone Practicum V. The timeline is presented in a table format but lacks more than one of the following: the activity, the date it will be started, the date it will be concluded, any pertinent comments OR the timeline is not presented in a table format.
0-15 Points
Writing Skills/APA
(20 Points)    Excellent use of standard English showing original thought. No spelling or grammar errors. Well organized with proper flow of meaning. APA style adhered to throughout the pertinent parts of the assignment.
17-20 Points    Some evidence of own expression and competent use of language. No more than three spelling or grammar errors. Well organized thoughts and concepts. APA style used but with minor errors.
13-16 Points    Language needs development. Four or more spelling and/or grammar errors. Poorly organized thoughts and concepts. APA style not adhered to.

0-15 Points
Total Possible Points = 150Total Points =    points

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