Posted: November 27th, 2014

project2; performance of your trades

project2; performance of your trades

Project description

Deliverable 2: Please submit a detailed report that describes the performance of your trades. Exactly how much did you earn on each trade? Please make sure to describe your performance in specific dollar terms, not percentage terms. Your report should be five pages in length and include the following sections:

– A single-page summary of the performance of your trades (1 page in total).

– A discussion of the performance of your trades including a discussion explaining any failures, and including detailed numbers with supporting evidence from your data source (only 1 page per trade).

Here are some more details regarding what you should focus on when preparing deliverable 2:

– Exactly how much did you earn on each trade? Please make sure to describe your performance in specific dollar terms, not percentage terms. Summarize the performance for all trades on a single page and then discuss in more depth for each trade. The reference to “evidence from data source” means please present the numbers that show how you have performed. For option positions, simply compare the price of the given option when you close out the position to the price at the beginning of the period (recall that option price is equal to the option’s value). For futures positions, compare the value of the futures contract when you close out the position to its value when you initiated the position.

– Why did you experience the performance that you experienced? What was correct or incorrect about your initial hypotheses? If the trades failed (which, of course, is fine and expected about half the time!) why did they fail?

A link is provided below through which you should submit Deliverable 2.


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