Posted: September 13th, 2017

Proposal to start a Music instrument business

I want to start a music business about selling guitars.

*Dean Guitars
*Jackson Guitars
*Ibanez Guitars

These are the 3 guitar brands that I would like to have in my proposal.

The business plan should not exceed $500.000.

You can put a random location such as New York city, Manhattan.

The papers instructions:

Necessary to the proposal:

· Purpose and scope

· State the problem (if there is one)
why the problem

· Give a viable solution
how to correct the problem

Overall Proposal Structure:


· contextualize the proposal (purpose, scope, background, etc)


· explain what, how, and why (plan of work)

· explain what you are offering, recommending, etc.

· give background information

· provide methods you will use

· outline procedures you will implement

· include a schedule of each phase, including start-up and completion dates

· give information about equipment, material, staff, and other requirements

Qualifications and Experience:

· convince the reader of your expertise with the subject


· list costs for the proposal


· include extraneous material that does not fit into or interrupts the flow of the text


· emphasize the benefits of your solution, recommendation, project, etc.

· tie everything together

· persuade your readers to take action

· express good will (thank your readers for their time and interest)

Use Persuasive Writing:

· convince your readers to take action

· use logic

· present supporting evidence in order of importance

· acknowledge any potential negative conflicts or opinions

Remember that graphics are a significant part of the finished proposal; keep this requirement in mind when you are selecting your topics.

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