Posted: December 8th, 2016

Provide examples of situations in which it would be beneficial to a law enforcement organization for the leadership style to be that of conserver, zealot, or advocate

Down’s style of leadership theory (Chapter Six) has identified several types of leaders that exist in every organization. On the surface, some of these types appear to be completely dysfunctional and detrimental to an organization or law enforcement department. However, there may be instances in which some of these leaders can be beneficial.

Provide examples of situations in which it would be beneficial to a law enforcement organization for the leadership style to be that of conserver, zealot, or advocate. Then, provide examples of situations in which it would be beneficial to a private sector organization for the leadership style to be that of conserver, zealot, or advocate. Which style of leadership is most beneficial to either law enforcement organizations or private sector organizations? Why?

Your initial response should be 250-300 words in length. Your claims should be supported by the text and other academic resource

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