Posted: September 24th, 2015

Psychological contract breach

The psychological contract is a complex phenomenon. Psychological contracts are different from legal contracts especially in regards to the procedures followed in the event of breach of contract. Breach of a legal contract allows the aggrieved party to seek enforcement in court of law. A breach of a psychological contract, however, offers no such recourse, and the aggrieved party may choose only to withhold transactional or relational contributions made to the employer or organisation (Spindler, 1994).

Using the Organisational Behaviour theories and concepts you have studied, critically analyse and discuss the meaning of psychological contract breach and its effects employees, in particular on employee attitudes and behavioural job outcomes, such as, job satisfaction, intention to quit, organizational support, motivation, organizational citizenship behaviour and employees’ job performance. Then consider the implications of your findings from the perspectives of both employees and their employing organisations.


Your discussion should include appropriate academic references, such as academic journal articles, which you should make a wide use of, to develop and support your arguments.


1. Critically discuss the meaning of psychological contract breach and its effects on employees (8 marks – see marking guide below – Information/ 4 marks; Critique/ 4 marks).

2. Critically analyse its effects on employees, in particular upon employee attitudes and job outcomes (8 marks – see marking guide below – Information/ 4 marks; Critique/ 4 marks).

3. Critically discuss the implications of the findings for the lives and choices of employees and for their employing organisations (6 marks).

4. Use correct written expression (4 marks).

5. Use academic writing style and referencing (APA6) (4 marks)

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