Posted: July 15th, 2015



For Part A of this assignment, choose a movie, book, or television show that depicts a character or character(s) suffering from mental illness. Write a paper analyzing a character’s illness in terms of one or more of the theoretical perspectives (e.g., biological, psychoanalytic, cognitive-behavioral, biopsychosocial) presented in the text.

Describe the character’s diagnosis in terms of the DSM-IV. Make sure to include two (2) criteria that the character meets.

Describe one (1) perspective(s) of mental illness that best explains the development of the character’s symptoms, along with two (2) facts to support your position.

Describe any treatment received by the character. Describe two (2) reasons that you would recommend similar or different treatment. If the character did not receive treatment, describe the type of treatment you would recommend with two (2) supporting facts.

Suggested movies include:

Beautiful Mind (2001).

Girl, Interrupted (1999).

Fatal Attraction (1987).

Sybil (1977).

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975).

Play Misty for Me (1971).

Suggested television shows include:




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