Posted: September 14th, 2017


In a succinct answer (typed, double-spaced pages, one inch margins, 12pt font), probably requiring about 1 ½ to 2 pages, address the following issue(s)(you may sketch out your answer using bullet points):

Imagine you have a friend, a fellow college student studying abroad here in the US, who is from a non-Western culture that places a high value on close familial bonds and less on the “rugged individualism” that prevails in the West, especially in the US. He/she is suffering with sadness and loneliness from being so far away from home, and spends a lot of time on the phone calling home to obtain support and advice from family. One day, your friend decides to consult a psychotherapist due to his/her suffering. The therapist diagnoses your friend with “Dependent Personality Disorder,” which only makes matters worse (one element of this diagnosis is that a person “has difficulty in making decisions without excessive amount of advice and reassurance”). Now, your friend is mortified that he/she has a psychiatric illness. Drawing on the social constructionist account of the problematic notions of “personality” and “mental illness,” make an argument to your friend that might allow him/her some context for this experience, and may provide some relief. In other words, challenge the “psychologization” of his/her suffering. (The Derek Summerfield lecture may be of help; there is no need to set out the DSM definition of “dependent personality disorder” in any detail).




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