Posted: September 13th, 2017

Psychology Research Paper on Attitudes of Middle Childhood Age Group ( 6 – 11 ) Towards Death

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Topic : Attitudes of Middle Childhood Age Group ( 6 – 11 ) Towards Death

General requirements for 210 paper

Term paper for this course is a RESEARCH REVIEW. This means that you are expected to overview CURRENT scientific research on the topic of your interest. To succeed in this task your topic should be very narrow, which will allow you to explore the question of your interest in depth.

  1. 1500-2000 words;
  2. APA style;
  3. Minimum 5 references of which:
    minimum 4 peer reviewed articles;

minimum 1 other source

only 1 website can be sited.

Prohibited resources:;;
+ other resources of this kind;

4. Your paper should consist of three parts: introduction, body of the text and conclusion. These structural components must be linked logically.

  1. Paper must be written in scientific language and represent critical review of scientific discoveries. You are encouraged to present different approaches to explanation of a certain phenomena supported by scientific research as well as present controversial research data in a certain domain.

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