Posted: September 13th, 2017

Psychometric Assignment

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Psychometric Assignment
This assignment contain 4 sections the most important is to determine the air flow rate and the refrigerant gas flow rate. and there is a need to complete a Psychometric chart
all assignment is attached.

NOTE: should be an engineer who is familiar with this as an electrical services engineer or building services engineer

Learning Issues:


Upon completion of this assignment you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate familiarity with the basic elements of air conditioning system.
  • Demonstrate familiarity with the basic elements of the refrigerant cycle.
  • Demonstrate familiarity with the basic elements of psychrometry of air conditioning processes.


Research and Theory:


Background information should be gathered the library, on reputable web-sites, journals and other literature.


Information contained in the assignment must be correctly referenced from its original source.




  1. Describe the operating principles of four different systems of air conditioning. State a suitable application for each.                                                                                    [30 marks]       
  2. Based on a split refrigeration comfort cooling system with ducted fresh air, and using the data provided, determine the air flow rate and the refrigerant gas flow rate.


  • Outside 26°C db and 40% RH
  • Room 20°C db and 14°C wb
  • Supply air temp 14°C
  • Room sensible load 7.5 kW
  • Percentage of fresh air fixed at 25%    [30 marks]       

All related charts must be included


  1. Complete the table below:

[20 marks]                      


  1. Describe the operation of the vapour compression refrigeration cycle. [20 marks]           

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