Posted: September 14th, 2017

Qatar Airways

Airline & Airport Operations Module
Assignment (Individual Report)


Select an airline of your choice with a specific business model i.e. Full Service Network Carrier or a Low Cost Carrier (LCC). In view of the aforementioned, you are required to analyze the operations and performance of this airline and ensure the following deliverables are met in the report:

1. Identify the factors within the chosen airline’s business environment that most affect its development during the past and possibly within the next decade. Also identify what plans or actions this airline can adopt to overcome uncertain times like we had in the last decade and factors influencing those.

2. Those factors require you to include, but not limited to the following, by using tools such as the 4Ps, a PESTE analysis, the use of Porter Five Forces model and also the SWOT analysis. It is needed to identify competitive differentiation and positioning of the airline and your recommended steps towards strategic and operational improvement, if so needed.
write about the following :

a. Marketing mix
b. Identifying and serving the ‘customer’
c. Market segmentation
d. Business environment – internal and external
e. Business and marketing Strategy
f. Airline product and differentiation
g. Brand management
h. Pricing and revenue management
i. Financial indicators
j. Distribution strategy and channels
k. Relationship marketing and promotion

3. By evaluating performance of this airline, generate a report that lists down the business and marketing strategies that made this airline superior or on the contrary, lagging in the industry. It is required that you identify the airline’s marketing mix to do so – which is included in the list above.

4. Focus on the product mix that makes the Airlines improve its load factors and how well it handles its revenues and profits. In other words, draw conclusions of what each airline’s best practice marketing strategies are and how these contribute to operating margins – particularly in view of other major players in the industry and in view of the ever increasing competitive environment.

5. As a supplement to above, assess how well the airline has performed financially during the past 5 years, by contrasting yield, revenues (net profit margins) and passenger/cargo loads. Has the airline adopted the best routing network, convenient schedules for passenger itineraries, fleet planning & assignment, standard business practices and a successful long term strategy? If you believe that the airline needs to improve in any of the aforementioned areas, then make appropriate recommendations on actions/improvements that the airline could adopt.

6. You should address issues like increased competition, impact of regulations and relevant global issues. Also, the effects over financial performance, ticket fares, cost control, profits and yield management. Additional marks will be awarded for proper interpretation of financial data analysed and not just attaching to report.

All used material, studies and financial figures should be properly referenced. Internet and researcher books are considered useful reference for this assignment. Trends and ideas drawn can be based on expert opinions but be careful to reference all of your sources. It is quite essential to gain good marks to mainly be able to identify by contrast the various plans and business strategies adopt by the airline. To that extent, each one of you must research the airline and the industry and be able to draw conclusions on best practices and suggest recommendations for the airline.

1-Brief on my Airline?
Qatar Airways

2- Base?
Doha – Qatar (Hamad International Airport)

3- Ownership?
Qatar Government

4- Fleet?
Please see the file which I send you ( fleet Qatar Airways ) I want you to put these picture in these section please

5- Route Map of the Airline available?
Please put a (Route Map) in these section

6- Role of the Airline in its home country?
Search for it please

7- Onboard passenger services?
Search for it please
8- Non-aviation related business and services?
Search for it please
9- The reason someone will choose to fly Qatar Airways?
Search for it please
10- Brief on competitor Airline 1?
Please brief about (Emirates Earline) search for it
11- Brief on competitor Airline 2?
Please brief about about (Etihad Airline) please search for it and I attach a file it will help you a lot you can find information about Etihad
12- UVP (Unique Value Point) of my Airline (Qatar Airways)?
Search for it please

13- Top 5 differentiators for my Airline (Qatar Airways)?
Search for it please

14- Brief financial indicators?
You can just write a prograde to explain that it’s very hard to find any information financial indicators about Qatar Airways due to secrecy company policy even if its old data at least shows a trend and put a reference of that information.

15- Analysis of the 4Ps :- (Qatar Airways)
(A) Product
(B) Place
(C) Promotion
(D) Price

“Search for it please write about each one in a paragraph”

16- SWOT Analysis?
(A) Strengths
(B) Weaknesses
(C) Opportunities
(D) Threats

“You can do the same Time Table which I send you and with the same information please see the attach (file SWOT Analysis)”

17- PESTE Analysis (aspects)
(A) Political
(B) Economical
(C) Social
(D) Technological
(E) Environment
“Search for it please write about each one in a paragraph”

18- Porter’s 5 Forces
(A) Threeat of new entrants
(B) Threat of substitute products or services
(C) Bargaining power of customers (Buyers)
(D) Bargaining power of suppliers

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