Posted: September 13th, 2017

QS Practice & Procedure

QS Practice & Procedure

Write a report describing one aspect of the role of the modern Quantity Surveyor in each of the following stages:
1.    Stages 0 to 2 of the RIBA plan of work 2013.    (1500 words)
2.    The tendering stage of the design process.    (1500 words)
Provide detailed examples to illustrate your answers (these must not be copies of the examples provided for you in class)

Referencing: Provide full and correct referencing of research sources according to the Harvard system. Note that title pages, contents pages, reference lists and

bibliography lists are not counted as part of the word limit.

The importance of full and correct referencing cannot be understated – if you are unsure about this, please look at the guidance on the University web site (Ask4help

and Cite them Right).

Your Report should be word processed, in A4 format and submitted to the School Office

The word limit is 3000 words, divided equally in two as shown above. Your word count should be stated on the cover of your work

1.    Evaluate the role and function of the quantity surveyor within the built environment and civil engineering disciplines.
2.    Develop an appreciation of the relationships between professionals of various disciplines.
3.    Understand and apply basic quantity surveying skills and techniques

Department of Architecture and the Built Environment

Coursework Specification

Module title:  QS Practice & Procedure    Module number: BE1265

Academic year : 2014/2015    Semester :     1    2    YL    Credit Points: 20

BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying FT 1
BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying PT 1

Year: 1    Level: 4    Is this an option module?        No

Coursework title:
The role of a Quantity Surveyor during the design stages of the RIBA plan of work 2013.

Learning Outcomes tested in this assessment (from the Module Descriptor):

1.    Evaluate the role and function of the quantity surveyor within the built environment and civil engineering disciplines.
2.    Develop an appreciation of the relationships between professionals of various disciplines.
3.    Understand and apply basic quantity surveying skills and techniques

Background information / introduction (& how this assessment fits the overall strategy):
You have been given a series of lectures and seminars examining the role of the Quantity Surveyor. From this you should have gained an impression of his/her work, both

individually and in relation to others within the Building Team

Recommended texts:
Ashworth, A., Hogg, K. & Willis, CJ. (2013), Willis’s Practice & Procedure for the Quantity Surveyor (13th Edition).Wiley Blackwell. (Available as book or e-book).
Quantity Surveyor’s Pocket Book, Duncan Cartlidge, 2nd edition, 2013, Routledge. (Available as book or e-book).
Ramus J., Birchall S., Griffiths P. (2006), Contract Practice for Surveyors, Butterworth-Heinemann (Available as book or e-book)

Nature of the submission required:

A written report.

Instructions to students:

Write a report describing one aspect of the role of the modern Quantity Surveyor in each of the following stages:
1.    Stages 0 to 2 of the RIBA plan of work 2013.    (1500 words)
2.    The tendering stage of the design process.    (1500 words)
Provide detailed examples to illustrate your answers (these must not be copies of the examples provided for you in class)

Referencing: Provide full and correct referencing of research sources according to the Harvard system. Note that title pages, contents pages, reference lists and

bibliography lists are not counted as part of the word limit.

The importance of full and correct referencing cannot be understated – if you are unsure about this, please look at the guidance on the University web site (Ask4help

and Cite them Right).

Your Report should be word processed, in A4 format and submitted to the School Office

The word limit is 3000 words, divided equally in two as shown above. Your word count should be stated on the cover of your work

Assessment Criteria:

Marks will be awarded to your report based upon the following criteria
Report on the role of the Clients QS:
1.    Stages 0 to 2 of the RIBA plan of work 2013:
Description of activity                20%
Example                        20%
2.    The tendering stage of the design process:
Description of activity                20%
Example                        20%

Report Style / Presentation / Referencing                   20%
TOTAL            100%

Maximum size of the submission (word length, number of pages, etc)
3,000 maximum

The penalties for exceeding this limit:
Your final mark will be reduced if you exceed the word limit by more than 10% according to the following scale;

3,300 – 3,500 words = 10% reduction
3,501 – 3,750 words = 20% reduction
3,751 – 4,000 words = 30 % reduction
4,001  words or over = 100% reduction

% assessment weighting in the module:     30 % of module assessment

Will return be in class or through the administration section? Through the administration section

Module Tutor: Derek Lavelle


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