Posted: March 2nd, 2017

Is this a qualitative or quantitative design (based on type of variable collected) and why? What would be an example of a variable for this study of course delivery formats that could be measured on a nominal scale?

Suppose you are a researcher who wants to evaluate which type of course-delivery format (online, blended, or face-to-face) leads to the best performance in a psychological statistics class. In a paper, identify the following:

What is your research question? (Please remember to focus your study on the evaluation of the various types of course delivery for statistics courses.) What is your hypothesis (both null and alternate)? Is this a qualitative or quantitative design (based on type of variable collected) and why? What would be an example of a variable for this study of course delivery formats that could be measured on a nominal scale? Ordinal scale? Interval scale? Ratio scale? Once you have collected your data on the effectiveness of the various types of course delivery for a statistics course, would you use inferential or descriptive statistics and why? Create a sample frequency distribution for one of the variables. Choose either a simple or grouped frequency distribution and explain your choice.

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