Posted: September 13th, 2017

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Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Assignment Questions: 

Describe the issues that Alan Silko is currently facing. In your answer, you should:
– Identify the main/core issue and any sub-issues related to the main/core issue.
– Assess the purchase of SPC stations from Harris Computer using your issue analysis. 

Note that the keyword “assess” means that you have to describe the benefits and problems of purchasing the SPC stations from Harris Computer, and then make a final conclusion of whether the purchase should be made. 

Analyse the data in case Exhibit 3 and Exhibit 4. In your answer, you should:

– Determine the natural tolerance for the dimension, as well as the drawing tolerance. 
– Construct the appropriate control charts for the data. 
– Discuss any key features on the control charts.
– Determine the Cp and Cpk values.
– Summarise  the key findings of the data. 

Make sure you do not just report the values and present the control charts for this task, the key to getting high mark is to discuss the results and highlight the key features in your analysis. 

Based on the analysis in Task 1 and Task 2, what should Alan Silko  do? 
(apart from purchasing the SPC stations from Harris Computer). In your answer, you should: 
– Develop a set of strategy to address the main/core issue. 
– What actions need to be taken to implement such strategy?


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