Posted: September 17th, 2015

Quality Learning and Teaching, Teacher Standards and Performance.

please notice the following:
Current educational commentary on school improvement, and improved student performance and outcomes, places an emphasis on the quality of the teacher in the classroom. One of the focuses on improving the quality of teachers is the introduction of standards for teachers and school leaders. With reference to the structure and rationale of the Australian Standards, relevant literature and your current workplace, comment on how these standards might be used in a process of goal setting and follow up, and within an appraisal process for teachers and school leaders to improve the quality of teachers, quality learning experiences for students and improved student outcomes. In relation to the latter outline how the elements of the Quality Learning and Teaching Framework could be aligned to the standards and their implementation. Within your commentary, outline some of the leadership issues that would formpart of aligning all of these issues.

Criteria for Assessment:
In this assignment it will be essential to:
1. Provide an outline of the structure and rationale of the teacher and leadership standards being introduced into schools and school systems across Australia;
2. Outline how appraisal systems and goal setting processes for teachers and leaders might complement and support the introduction of such standards;
3. Identify and comment on leadership and management issues for those holding designated leadership roles in schools and school systems associated with the implementation of the standards and associated appraisal systems;
4. Comment on the impact these developments could have on the quality learning and teaching, and the focus on improved student outcomes. In this commentary some alignment needs to be established with the Quality Learning and Teaching Framework;
5. Relate your commentary to your current workplace and system, and to the literature, especially the readings selected for this subject;
6. Demonstrate wide reading, reflection and critical thinking; and,
7. Present your paper in a professional manner.


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