Posted: September 13th, 2017

Quality Management

Quality Management

After all your production planning analysis, you have been asked to prepare a Quality Management Planning Strategy for management and employees.

Using course materials and other resources, develop a strategy document with the following action items:

Identify the overall Quality Management Process (TQM, ISO 9000, Six Sigma) the company will use, and explain the rationale for such change. Be aware of industry requirements (i.e. service operations are different from manufacturing, and each process may offer specific advantages for a specific industry). Describe how you will implement the process in the company (make any necessary reasonable assumptions you need with the scenario, such as company organization or structure).
Once you identify and explain the process, outline the specific tools and techniques the company will use for quality management. Consider the usefulness of all the charting and statistical quality metric techniques and identify which ones it should use.
Develop a communications memorandum to the factory workers announcing these changes and explaining the value of them. Remember, quality management principles all focus on employee involvement and continuous improvement.

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