Posted: September 14th, 2017

Quantitative Data Analysis Using SPSS


Assignment 1, Part A: Quantitative data analysis using SPSS (Due 14th August)
These assignments are designed to consolidate and test your learning about SPSS and quantitative research methods.
You should answer all questions. The marks for each question and its various components are given alongside each part. This first assignment is worth 20% of your overall mark for the subject. (It is marked out of 100, as shown below.) Please ensure that you include SPSS output (where appropriate) as part of your answers. The output should contain appropriate labels.
You should start work on the assignment as soon as you get it and then work consistently on it. It will not be possible to get it done if you leave it to the last minute.
Assignment 1: Scenario and data.
(*Note: Parts A and B of Assignment 1 both relate to the following scenario and data.)

Fleur is a social work student on placement in the allied health department in a large metropolitan hospital. Her field educator, Samantha is concerned about the number of first time mothers, diagnosed with post natal depression, referred to her for counselling. She has been reading some research that has found that some new mothers have an anxiety condition as opposed to depression and that symptoms of anxiety may be subsumed within a diagnosis of depression (Miller & Pallant, 2006). She is concerned she may be taking the wrong approach in her counselling sessions. In conjunction with an occupational therapist on her team, she designed a small exploratory research project. Over a 6 month period they designed and conducted a cross- sectional study of first time mothers, and recruited them through mother’s groups and health care centres in Melbourne. Women were invited to complete a questionnaire and inclusion was limited to mothers whose babies were 6 weeks to six months old. The aim of the study was threefold; 1 to determine the prevalence of depression in first time mothers; 2 to determine the prevalence of anxiety in first time mothers and 3 to determine the prevalence of both depression and anxiety in new mothers. They devised a questionnaire comprised of two different measures of anxiety and depression; the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS).

Having over 60 questionnaires returned, she needs to do some analysis of her data. She is aware that you have recently completed a research subject where you had received some teaching on SPSS data analysis. She would like you enter the results of her survey into the SPSS package create a data file and perform some descriptive statistics. She also wants to generate some tables and graphs from the data and have some specific questions answered.

You are asked to do the following:
1) Enter the data into SPSS after creating a data file for it and saving it on disk (when handing in the assignment please include your printout of the Data Editor window) (20%):


2) Create appropriate labels (file and value) for the variables, including specifying the level of measurement of each of the variables (20%) (Please supply a codebook to show the level of measurement and include the variable view window printout with your assignment.)
3) Produce appropriate descriptive statistics that describe the characteristics of this sample (Include these output tables with your assignment) (10%).
4) Re-code the variables a) age into two groups; under 35 and 35 and over
and b) education into two groups, non-tertiary and tertiary and c) EPDS from individual scores into the following two groups, not depressed (score of under 10) and likely depressed (score of 10 and over). Detail the procedures you used in doing so (15%).
5) Having re-coded the variables produce appropriate graphs for all variables (10%)
6) Write a summary of the main characteristics of the sample. Referring to your data and output, discuss the strengths and limitations of descriptive statistics. (Your answer to this question needs to be at least 300 words in length.) (25%)

Assignment 1, Part B: Quantitative data analysis using SPSS

Part B is also due on Friday 14th August and is worth 20% of the marks for this unit.
This assignment uses the same scenario and data as for the first assignment (Part A)

Having produced a data file and some descriptive statistics for part A of the Assignment, you should now extend your analysis by answering the following questions:
1) Find the standard deviations of the following variables; age AND depression (EPDS).
• What are they? (5%)
• What do they tell us about the dispersion of the distributions? (5%)

2) Produce a scattergram showing the relationship between age and depression (EPDS) (5%)
• What does this scattergram tell us about the relationship between the women’s age and depression? (5%)
• What is the correlation between these two variables? (5%)
• What is your interpretation of this level of correlation? (5%) (please provide appropriate SPSS output)

3) Compare the mean level of depression (EPDS) for those under 35 and those 35 and over. What are they? (10%)
• What is the p level? (5%)
• Is this relationship between these two variables statistically significant at the .05 level? (5%)
• Provide an interpretation of this result (10%) (Please provide appropriate SPSS output)

4) Of those in the sample who are university educated, how many and what percentage
have anxiety (DASS) (5%)
• What is the p level of the relationship between these two variables and is this statistically significant? (5%)
• What does this result mean for the relationship between level of education and anxiety? (10%) (Please provide appropriate SPSS output).
• Of those in the sample who are university educated, how many and what percentage have experienced depression using the DASS classification of depression? (5%)
• What is the p level and is this statistically significant? (5 %)
• What does this mean for the relationship between level of education and depression considering the above two results? (10%) (Please provide appropriate SPSS output)


5RSB Data for SPSS Assignment

Here is the data collected from the 60 clients in Fleur’s study.
1) The first number is the consumer’s ID number;
2) The second is their age in years;
3) The third is level of education; 1= primary schooling, 2= some secondary, 3= completed secondary, 4=additional training, 5= undergraduate university, and 6= post graduate university
4) The 4th is their EPDS depression raw score
5) The 5th is DASS depression ; 0=not depressed, 1= mild to severe depression
6) The 6th is DASS anxiety; 0=not anxious, 1= mild to severe anxiety;

DATA FOR SPSS Assignment
1 34 6 8 0 1
2 23 4 10 0 1
3 41 6 11 0 1
4 31 6 12 1 0
5 31 5 5 0 1
6 35 6 7 0 1
7 18 4 13 1 0
8 33 2 7 0 0
9 42 3 8 0 1
10 31 6 4 0 0
11 32 5 7 0 0
12 21 5 3 0 0
13 34 5 8 0 0
14 24 3 6 0 0
15 31 5 12 0 1
16 28 3 12 1 0
17 27 3 12 1 0
18 31 6 8 0 0
19 28 6 6 0 0
20 39 3 9 0 0
21 24 4 4 0 0
22 32 6 12 0 1
23 28 6 7 0 1
24 33 6 9 0 1
25 30 5 8 0 0
26 28 3 7 0 0
27 40 6 9 1 0
28 26 3 12 1 0
29 28 5 14 1 1
30 37 6 8 0 0
31 29 5 10 0 1
32 35 4 8 0 0
33 37 3 24 1 1
34 26 4 14 1 0
35 31 5 11 0 1
36 29 3 13 1 0
37 34 6 7 0 1
38 31 6 12 0 1
39 28 4 8 0 0
40 34 4 7 0 0
41 29 4 6 0 0
42 34 6 8 0 1
43 28 6 8 0 0
44 24 4 6 0 0
45 30 6 13 1 0
46 36 4 8 0 0
47 32 4 6 0 0
48 36 6 8 0 0
49 36 6 7 1 0
50 24 3 12 1 0
51 35 3 8 0 0
52 33 6 9 1 0
53 38 3 12 1 0
54 32 6 21 1 1
55 36 4 19 1 1
56 40 6 23 1 1
57 37 4 13 0 0
58 30 5 8 0 0
59 31 5 7 0 0
60 27 5 6 0 0

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