Posted: September 13th, 2017

Quantitative Section

Quantitative Section

Likert Scale

Individual Teacher Instructional Practice

1 = Never
2=Almost never
4=Almost all of the time
5= All of the time
1      2     3      4     5
Used student data from test results to plan for instruction
Used student work to plan for instruction
Examined your teaching materials/assignments in relation to the district’s standards
Pointed out to students’ connections between your subject and other subjects they are studying
Used rubrics to assess student work
Used the pacing guides to plan for instruction
Used the district’s standards to design teaching materials/assignments
(a)    Examined students’ work in relation to the district’s standards

Qualitative Section

Interview Questions

1.    How do you describe your experience with principal’s classroom walkthrough
a.    What does principal walkthrough observations mean to you as a classroom teacher?

b.    What were your expectations of classroom walkthrough observations?

c.    Did you have any fears or concerns about classroom walkthrough observations? Why or why not?

d.    Would you say classroom walkthrough observations are fine and enjoyable? Please explain why or why not.

2.    Describe how principal walkthrough observations happened.
a.    When did the principal enter your classroom?

b.    How did you know the principal was there for walkthrough observation?

c.    What kind of information was the principal looking for?

d.    How long did the principal last in your classroom?

e.    How many times did the principal visit your classroom for walkthrough observations

3.    What are your thoughts towards principal’s classroom walkthrough observations?
a.    How helpful are they to you as a teacher?

b.    What don’t you like about them?

c.    What is it that you liked most about them?

d.    How did classroom walkthrough observations affect your relationship with the principal?

4.    How did principal’s walkthrough observations influence your lesson planning efforts?
a.    How did they affect the way you plan for your teaching?

b.    What changes did you make to your lesson planning?

c.    How did they influence the way you use student data in planning for instruction?

d.    How much did you consider the needs of students in planning for your instruction?

e.    Why did you make such changes? How did you expect the changes to influence student learning?

f.    How did they help to use planning aides such as pacing guides? Explain.

5.    How did the classroom walkthrough observations help you to align your instruction with the district’s standards?
a.    How did district’s standards help in designing teaching materials?

b.    How did district’s standards influence the kind of assignments you gave to your students?

c.    What new teaching materials did you introduce in an effort to ensure your teaching is in line with district’s standards?

d.    What modifications did you make to the kind of assignments you give to students to ensure that they meet district’s standards?

e.    What changes did you make in relation to assessing student’s work? Did those modifications involve use of rubrics? Explain.

6.    How did classroom walkthrough observations assist you in establishing connections between your subject, and other subjects for your students?

7.    What kind of feedback did you receive from your principals?
a.    How often did you receive the feedback?

b.    Can you describe what happened during feedback/follow-up sessions after walkthrough observations?

c.    How was the feedback given? What methods were used to share observation data? Do you think such methods were helpful to you as a teacher?

d.    How do you think the feedback helped in enhancing your teaching skills?

8.    How do classroom walkthrough observations improve your teaching skills and capacity?
a.    How helpful were the walkthroughs in enhancing collaboration among teachers?

b.    How often did you discuss the feedback you received from the principal with your colleagues?

c.    Would you say the walkthrough observations contributed/enhanced your professional development as a teacher? Explain your answer.

d.    How was the walkthrough observation data used for your professional development as a teacher?

e.    Have you been receiving training on how to improve your teaching as a result of classroom walkthrough observations? For instance, does your principal provide training during faculty meetings or in-service informed by walkthrough data. Explain?

9.    How did classroom observations affect students’ learning experiences?
a.    What ways did classroom walkthrough observations improve your interactions with students?

b.    How did your classroom walkthrough observations affect your classroom management skills and capabilities?

c.    Describe some of the indicators to show that, principal’s walkthrough observations affected student achievement?

d.    How has walkthrough observations affected your content knowledge?

e.    How much do you think classroom observations helped you as a teacher to improve student performance?

10.    What are some of the changes would you suggest to improve classroom walkthrough observations in your school?
a.    What changes do you suggest in relation to the duration of walkthrough observations?

b.    What suggestions do you have concerning the timings of classroom walkthrough observations?

c.    What suggestions do you have in relation to individuals who should conduct classroom walkthrough observations?

d.    What suggestions do you have concerning the kind of information that should be collected during classroom walkthrough observations?

e.    What suggestions do you have for the frequency of walkthrough observations per week?

f.    What suggestions do you have for the frequency of providing feedback to teachers?

g.    What suggestions do you have in relation to the methods used to provide feedback, and ways of sharing observation data?

h.    How do you suggest observation data be used to develop teachers’ instructional skills and capacities?

i.    What do you think should be done during classroom walkthrough observations to improve student achievement?

11.    From your experience, how would you describe your attitude toward classroom walkthrough observations? Explain.

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