Posted: September 13th, 2017

Racial Justice: Social Workers' Perspective

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements


This paper is to be written in two parts. The first paper is to be 9 to 10 pages and must be written and provided to me before the second paper can be written. SSCI must be used and search results with key terms employed in each search and number of citations generated for each search so as to include an Appendix with that info at the end. 5 peer reviewed article are to be used, two I have already identified. The sections of the paper are Working Title page; Introduction; Literature Review (critically synthesize; Research focus; instrument construction and measures section 3 hypothesis with independent and dependent variables); population of interest and pilot sample; references; and the appendix. Once I have that paper, I will then conduct three interviews and collect the survey and then need to be able to upload survey and interview data so the second paper can be written. I will upload all the very specific instructions tomorrow evening.

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