Posted: August 12th, 2013

Reading Portfolio

The Reading Portfolio is a term for a collection of critiques ofthe readings assigned to this Unit. For this
piece of assessment you need to critique two (2) academic sources (that is 500 words per entry excluding your reference
For this piece of
assessment you need to write critiques oftwo (2) academic sources. Each portfolio entry must contain a summary of an academic source
(journal article or book chapter- NOT websites), detailing key points/concepts/theories AND reflecting on how the reading relates to the
set topic and/orto the Unit as a whole. Each portfolio entry must provide full bibliographic details for the article/chapter under
It should also include the following information:
1. What is the purpose ofthe article/chapter?
2. What research does it detail?
What literature does it spring from?
4. What data has been used and how was it collected? 5. What conclusions are reached?
5. Why did you
choose this article?
7. What do you think of
Keeping in mind that the point ofthe
exercise is NOT simply to review or summarise the reading but to REFLECT ON IT, those students who engage in critical analysis and discuss
the reading with reference to other relevant theories/concepts will likely achieve higher marks than those who do
Criteria and
1. Knowledge and understanding ofthe nature of heritage;
2. Astute and well informed observations ofthe core arguments in
each reading;
3. Analysis ofthe readings’ utility for studying and understanding heritage
4. Structure and flow (including clarity,
accuracy and standards of written expression)
5. Effective
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