Posted: September 13th, 2017

Reading Review of "Renoir and Algeria" by Roger Benjamin

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



review essay will focus on a specific section, chapter or feature of an assigned book. IT SHOULD NOT BE a summary of the entire book. Instead, the review should identify and address a central idea of the book. To illustrate the central idea of the review, students will quote 2-3 key passages and explain the importance of the quotations. The Reading Reviews can include personal reflections and assessments of the books, such as you might find on Amazon, but each review should be written in formal prose, discuss details from the books, provide information about the book (title, author, date of publication, etc.) and cite the page number of quoted passages. In terms of length, each review will be about 2 pages double-spaced. This assignment is an important part of your academic work for this class and the quality of the writing counts.


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