Posted: May 30th, 2015

Real Estate United Kingdom and Europe

Real Estate United Kingdom and Europe

critical evaluation of peer’s presentation in audio form

Identify one industry/sector that you would like to work in
practise and use your research and analytical skills learnt throughout the last few years of study.
You are requested to research that industry/sector and use your skills of a 3rd year student to research and analyse the industry to gain an invaluable insight into the field and prepare you for a potential interview. You can use appropriate theories, analytical tools, studies, etc. that you have come across previously and show off your knowledge, skills and professionalism. Please use academic sources via library services – this year might be the last chance you have to access those reliable sources as part of your agreement with the university.

practise your presentation skills – very important skill to have in future employment. You have had the chance to observe various speakers, tutors, peers, etc.  in the last few years, please learn from your observations and use it to your benefit.

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