Posted: February 15th, 2015

Reflection Paper

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



(choose and cite at least two for assignment): focus on what the authors below say about Mezirow and Freire

Introduce Transformative and Critical perspectives by commenting what you plan to talk about in your reflection. Up to __1 points.

Be sure to include a paragraph about what Mezirow and the authors from this week say about key components of transformative learning (the authors will usually start with Mezirow’s thoughts on this perspective). Include your thoughts on the learner and educator roles for a transformative learning perspective. Use in-text citations to identify where you are getting your information from. Up to __2.5 points.

Next include a paragraph that comments on what Freire and the authors from this week say are key components of critical learning. Include your thoughts on the learner and educator roles for a critical perspective. Use in-text citations to identify where you are getting your information from. Up to __2.5 points.

Provide a summary that synthesizes similarities and differences between these two perspectives, and, an example from your life where you were personally involved in a transformative learning situation or with critical community education or learning that connects to key components of these. How might you or others support transformative learning efforts in the workplace or your lives? What concerns might you or other educators have about using these perspectives in their practices (see the readings for ethical and practice concerns for these)? Up to __3.5 points.

Don’t forget your reference list. Up to __.5 point.

References to read (In Attachment):

Perspectives and theories of adult learning – MAGRO (see pgs. 86 – 92 for overviews on transformative and critical education.)

Transformational learning – MERRIAM & CAFFARELLA (consider Geri’s transformative learning experience on p. 130, the discussion on Mezirow from p. 133 to the middle of p. 134 plus the summary of Mezirow on p. 137, the discussion on Freire pgs. 140-141, the critique of Mezirow and Freire on p. 154, and, the first paragraph of The Educator’s Place in Fostering Transformative Learning on p. 154 to think about ethical issues with transformative perspectives.)

Transformative learning as a professional development goal – CRANTON & KING (see their discussion of Tranformative education on p. 32 and especially consider their final sentence on this page, see their discussion on Habits of Mind about Teaching on pgs. 33 & 34, the practice and praxis of critical education on p. 34 too, and p. 35 & 36 to consider what this might look like if you were to use transformative and-or critical perspectives to teach others.)

Radical adult education and learning – FOLEY (see Dr. Foley’s p. 72 and bottom of p. 73, and, middle of p. 74 for educators role, plus note that Highlander Folk School is mentioned on this page too, and, see p. 78’s story on learning in neighbourhood houses for learner’s role, and, for methods see p. 79 and p. 80).

Good teaching: One size fits all? – PRATT : See Pratt’s “Social Reform” Perspective (see pgs. 12 & 13)

(choose and cite at least two for assignment): focus on what the authors below say about Mezirow and Freire

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