Posted: August 21st, 2013

Reflective account in nursing

Topic- Reflective account in nursing PSI. (Psychosocial interventions)
Reflective work diary- think about a practical dilemma which can arise and develop insights into how your competence is affected by the influences that surround your practice.
These are these are the sub headings which should be included
1. Description of the experience
2. Reflecting on the experience: Thoughts, feelings and actions
3. Identifying the main issues
4. Relating theory to practice and appraising the relevant evidence/literature
Discussing and analysing issues for enchanting your practice
5. Write a few words about the situation you were in, where were you? Who were you with? When?
6. What was going through your mind at the time? What were you saying to yourself?
7. How were you feeling?
How intense or servers was this- rate this between 0&100
8. What did you do? What didn’t you do?

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