Posted: September 13th, 2017

Reflective Journal;How Income, Education, Health and Environmental Awareness Affect Willingness of Purchasing Organic Product in the EU

Reflective Journal;How Income, Education, Health and Environmental Awareness Affect  Willingness of Purchasing Organic Product in the EU

Summative Assessment The assessment will consist of a report written by the student and a reflective report. Written report: 10,000 words (excluding bibliography and appendices) Reflective report: a written reflective report of 1,500 words in which the student reflects on the learning they gained from undertaking the project as well as the impact of the learning on their future management practice and/or professional development. The reflective report is marked on a pass-fail basis and not weighted, but is required.

See your module descriptor for guidance on how to structure your Reflective Statement and what to consider including in the reflection.
The Reflective Statement is a subjective and personal statement of learning. Its purpose is to help you to consolidate your learning gained from the individual modules on the MSc Programme and to assist your personal as well as future professional development.
Although the reflection is not taken into account in the awarding of distinctions, it forms an important part of your formal assessment and demonstrates your ability to learn from the range of learning opportunities offered by the MSc
It should:
* show evidence of analysis of the academic models and theories
* go beyond mere description
* be an honest reflection of learning
* Demonstrate professional and personal learning and consideration of the application of this learning into future managerial role(s).
Writing the reflections
When writing reflections, it may be useful to ensure that you have covered the following questions:
a) Contribution to your future professional role
* Identify at least 2 academic theories/models which have been covered by the module and describe how you believe that these models/theories will contribute to your future professional role as a manager.
You can do this by asking yourself questions such as:
* What was the most important new learning that I gained from the module? Why was it important?
* Will the learning make me a more effective manager and decision-maker?
* How do I use what I have learnt in this module? Where? When?
* If I think that some of the learning is not relevant – why not?
b) Contribution to your personal development
* Identify examples of how you believe that the module has provided greater insight into your personal development
You can do this by asking yourself questions such as:
* What difference has this module made to how I plan to work in my future organisation?
* To what extent has the learning from this module changed my understanding of how an organisation behaves?
* Has the learning from this module changed the way in which I appreciate new knowledge?
* Has the learning from this module changed the way in which I interact with other people?

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