Posted: September 16th, 2017

Reflective Portfolio

Reflective Portfolio

Order Description

You are required to write three “diary” entries for three different healthcare experiences that you have had. These can be experiences from clinical practicum, employment in a healthcare setting, experience as a patient or client of a health service or a healthcare experience of a family member or friend in which you were involved. The experience should have an element that you would like to think or learn more about through reflection and research; perhaps to help you to arrive at a new understanding. The quality of these diary entries will be assessed.

You can write diary entries using the first person “I”. You are required to de-identify people and places (using pseudonyms where necessary) to maintain confidentiality of participants and facilities.
All journal entries will be treated as private and confidential documents.

For each journal entry, you are required to complete a Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 analysis (see Borton’s analysis framework available on Moodle site (Rolfe, Freshwater & Jasper 2002)). Please do not use any other reflection model.

Please note that within Level 2, you are asked the question of what other knowledge you can bring to the situation. Within this step, and under scientific knowledge, you are required to conduct a literature search to identify and analyse literature that will help you develop a new understanding of the situation you are reflecting upon. This section requires you to demonstrate effective literature searching skills and the ability to consolidate, analyse and critique evidence. Therefore, as many references as you need to comprehensively reflect on the experience is required within this section.


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