Posted: September 13th, 2017

Reflective Writing

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements


Please follow the instructions:
– I uploaded 3 files of group presentation which are Big Data, Social Media and Protecting your businessfrom Cyber Attacks.
– I uploaded Guideline for presentation
– I uploaded Student preview brief
– My topic with my team was Protecting your businessfrom Cyber Attacks

I need the following:

– Write a reflective writing after we did the presentation, about one and half page
– Fill and Complete Student Preview brief

Information Systems Management

Management Briefing Presentations


Reflection & Feedback



Please record your thoughts and experiences on this session. When you are finished, save and email me.


What did you regard as the purpose(s) of the session?



How well did you feel your presentation went and why?



How well did your assessment of the presentations go?



What parts of the session did you feel were of most benefit?



Outline three things learned from the session

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