Posted: December 6th, 2014

Regression question

Regression question

Project description
Second HW

(To carry out a regression on Excel, regression program must be already available on your Excel program.
To check this, on Excel, click data/data analysis (on top right hand). If you see the data analysis option, the regression program is ready to use.
If you do not see this option, then you have to add in the regression program.
To do this, on Excel, File/Options/ add-ins/analysis toolpak, then OK. Now the regression program is added in your Excel program. )

For Japan,
Click A34 to X38, then Home/copy.
Click A40, home/paste(click inverted triangle)/paste special/transpose, then OK.
On F40, G40, H40, type in ln(GDP/L), ln(K/L), ln(RD/L).
On F41, click Formula on top/math&trig/ln
then a white rectangle appear with number in front. Inside the triangle, clickB41, then type / and click D41, i.e., B41/D41, then OK.
On G41, do same, and C41/D41, OK
On H41, (B41*(E41/100))/D41. (do not type these words. Use mouse to point these cells.) OK

Click F41-H41, home/copy.
Click F42-H63, home/paste. Then save as (your choice of file name)

To do regression, click data. On top right corner, click data analysis/regression.
On Input range,
Input Y range, click F40-F63.
Input X range, click G40-H63.

Check label.

On Output options, check output range, and in the rectangle, click I40, then OK.

Report all regression results as follows.

Ln(GDP/L) = 3.11 +.523 ln(K/L) + .220 ln(RD/L) R2=.997 adjR2=.996 F=3028
[t stat] [5.95] [2.90]
(p value) (.000) (.009)

With these regression results, write (you must type ) a short paper about 5 pages of the following.

With the regression results of each country,
1. discuss the advantages of the log-linear model over the linear model.
2. tests on statistical significances of individual regression coefficients at =.05.
3. discuss the (p) values.
4. Test the regression equation as a whole at =.05.
5. Interpret the individual regression coefficients.
6. (most important) compare the regression results of China and Japan in order to detect any socio-economic differences between the two countries which might have contributed to the rapid growth of China as the second largest economy in the world.
7. compare the regression results of China and USA and discuss any socio-economic comparative advantages of the USA over China


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