Posted: September 16th, 2017

Repeat the SPSS Connection from pages 315–316 on your computer. Copy and paste the SPSS output for the ANOVA to a Word

Assignment, Statistics
Modules 24, 25, 26 Problem Set

Project description
Using your Statistics Alive! text:

Complete problem 4 on page 292.
Complete problem 8 on page 295.
Complete problem 10 on page 314.

Repeat the SPSS Connection from pages 315–316 on your computer. Copy and paste the SPSS output for the ANOVA to a Word document.
Complete problem 5 on page 312. Copy and paste the SPSS output to your Word document. Please also report your results in APA sixth edition style (as they would appear in a journal article).

Repeat the SPSS Connection from page 324 on your computer. Please follow the directions in Module 25 (the book says 15). Copy and paste the SPSS output for the ANOVA and post hoc tests to your Word document.
Complete problem 5 on page 323 (you will have completed the ANOVA portion earlier in this assignment). Copy and paste the SPSS output to Word. Please type out which pairs are significantly different.

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