Posted: September 13th, 2017

Report regarding ‘the Past, Present, and Future of Property Management (PM), Asset Management (AM), Facility Management (FM), and Corporate Real Estate (CRE)’.


You are required to submit a written report regarding ‘the Past, Present, and Future of Property Management (PM), Asset Management (AM), Facility Management (FM), and Corporate Real Estate (CRE)’.

First, discuss the evolution of ‘Property Management (PM), Asset Management (AM), Facility Management (FM), and Corporate Real Estate (CRE)’ during the last few decades.

Second, describe the roles and characteristics of each players in PM, AM, FM, and CRE. And discuss the differences or similarities among the players (Property Manager, Asset Manager, Facility Manager, CRE Manager).

Third, outline your thoughts on how the roles of each players may further evolve over the next decade. Each student is to submit a written report (A4 size, maximum 2000 words, with 12 point Times New Roman font)

The mark allocation is as follows:
– Introduction & Structure 10%
– Use of cited, relevant literature 25%
– Discussion of topic 40%
– Conclusion 10%
– Presentation and Style 15%
Please use a lot of in-text references, preferable from these sources:

Booty, F (2006) ‘Facilities Management Handbook’ (3rd ed), Oxford: Elsevier

Chew, Y L M (2010) ‘Maintainability of Facilities for Building Professionals’ New Jersey: World Scientific

DeCarlo, J W (1997) ‘Property Management’ New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Edward, V and Ellison, L (2004) ‘Corporate Property Management: Aligning real estate with business strategy’ Blackwell Science

Geltner, D M, et al, (2007) ‘Commercial Real Estate Analysis and Investments’ (2nd ed), Thompson South-Western

Geschwender, A (2008) ‘Real Estate Principles & Practices’ (8th ed). Cengage Learning

Jacobus, C J (2010) ‘Real Estate Principles’ (11th ed), Cengage Learning
Kyle, R and Baird, F (1995) ‘Property Management’ (5th ed), Real Estate Education Co.

Langston, C & Lauge-Kristensen, R (2002) ‘Strategic Management of Built Facilities’, Butterworth Heinemann

Ling, D & Archer W (2008) ‘Real Estate Principles – A Value Approach’ (2nd ed), Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Plat, H T (2001) ‘The Economics of Property Management: The building as a Means of Production’, Butterworth Heinemann Oxford

Scarrett, D (1995) ‘Property Asset Management’ (2nd ed), London: E & FN SPON.

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