Posted: September 16th, 2017

report writing

report writing

Order Description

r masters in tourism and hotel management, below are the guidelines for the paper further i will attach marking criteria for report and please use australian english for the paper

The self-awareness report is designed to be a practical exercise with personal benefits – a reallife self-management strategy to assist you in obtaining a suitable employment position and developing your career. This report should demonstrate a solid self-awareness and discuss your career-related strengths and weaknesses.

You discussion should focus on the Organisational Behaviour (OB) factors discussed in this unit.

The following elements may assist you in structuring your self-awareness report:

Executive summary

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Self-awareness

• 2.1 Personality ? What insights have you obtained about your personality, for example from the MyersBriggs Type Indicator or the Big Five personality model? (Topics 3 and 4)

• 2.2 Values and Motivators ? What are your most important attitudes, values and motivators? (Topics 3 & 5)

• 2.3 Emotional intelligence ? What are your emotional intelligence abilities? (Topic 6)

• 2.4 Leadership ? What is your leadership aspiration and potential (or demonstrated ability)? (Topic 8)

• 2.5 Power and Politics ? What are your approaches to power, politics and influence? (Topic 9)

3.0 Conclusion

4.0 References

report writing

Order Description

r masters in tourism and hotel management, below are the guidelines for the paper further i will attach marking criteria for report and please use australian english for the paper

The self-awareness report is designed to be a practical exercise with personal benefits – a reallife self-management strategy to assist you in obtaining a suitable employment position and developing your career. This report should demonstrate a solid self-awareness and discuss your career-related strengths and weaknesses.

You discussion should focus on the Organisational Behaviour (OB) factors discussed in this unit.

The following elements may assist you in structuring your self-awareness report:

Executive summary

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Self-awareness

• 2.1 Personality ? What insights have you obtained about your personality, for example from the MyersBriggs Type Indicator or the Big Five personality model? (Topics 3 and 4)

• 2.2 Values and Motivators ? What are your most important attitudes, values and motivators? (Topics 3 & 5)

• 2.3 Emotional intelligence ? What are your emotional intelligence abilities? (Topic 6)

• 2.4 Leadership ? What is your leadership aspiration and potential (or demonstrated ability)? (Topic 8)

• 2.5 Power and Politics ? What are your approaches to power, politics and influence? (Topic 9)

3.0 Conclusion

4.0 References

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