Posted: December 6th, 2014

Reproduction of the Classic Fudge-Walnut Brownies

Reproduction of the Classic Fudge-Walnut Brownies

1.    5 page essay should follow the 352 Final Project Guidelines, sample and exhibit.
2.    The document named “exhibit” is my topic for this essay
3.    Please read how Exemplar – Cinnabon have wrote about discussing of ingredients, describe the recipe adjustment a, products comparison and comparison of

preparation and general discussion. Follow Exemplar – Cinnabon’s thought to write Fudge-Walnut Brownies.
4.    There should be limited 2 pages for discussing of ingredients (according to exhibit 5), 1 page for describe the recipe adjustment (compare the Exhibit 1 and

Exhibit 2) and why the recipe adjustment (health benefits), 1 page for products comparison and half page of comparison of preparation and general discussion.
5.    Ingredient Comparison – Discuss the similarities and differences between the processed product and the version you created. You must research ALL the

ingredients that are listed on the ingredient panel of your processed food. Exhibit 5 must be filled out for all ingredients found in your processed food. Use the

research conducted in filling out Exhibit 5 as a basis of discussion on:  a. the wholesomeness or nutritional value of the ingredients used in the original product

compared to the ingredients used in your own version of the product.  b. Why key ingredients were included in the original recipe, and in your improved recipe. In

other words, what purpose(s) did those ingredients serve in each recipe?  c. The possible consequence(s) of the ingredients used, and the likely compromise the

manufacturer made when they chose to put those ingredients in their respective recipes. Similarly, what compromises did you have to make in order to make your more

wholesome version?
6.    For recipe adjustment:? all-purpose flour changed to organic whole wheat pastry flour ? butter to fat-free yogurt and organic coconut oil ? sugar, eggs and

walnuts to organic
7.    For Products comparison: ?less sweet ?more health……
Compare the overall eating quality of your creation versus that of the commercially available product. Your comparison must include comparisons on the differences in:

a. Chew, mouth-feel, taste and flavor – How do they chew/bite in the mouth? How does the product feel on the pallet? (eg. Sticky, smooth, oily, grainy?)  How do the

flavor and taste compare? (eg. Artificial, too sweet, too salty, bitter, stale, rancid?)
Shelf-life – How well (poorly) did each product will hold over time (as prepared and prior to cooking)? You must age each product version at least five days and then

make your assessments. What happened to each product’s appearance, texture, (taste – if you dare!) after the five days? What do you think will happen to each product’s

appearance, texture, and taste as it sits on a shelf for ten days?
8.    Pay more attention to what ingredients we have changed for recipe from the Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2. And please read two sample and requirements.
9.    This is also a research paper and you must include at least two (2) secondary, non-web based research resources, and cite their contribution in a separate

reference section of your paper. Use APA in-text citation methods in addition to including a separate reference section at the end of your paper.


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