Posted: September 16th, 2015

Request For Proposal from a governmental agency



Identify a Request For Proposal (RFP) from a governmental agency requesting services (rather than seeking a product or goods). It should include enough detail to be able to address the following issues:

o Describe the nature of agency requesting the services and how that affects the decision to seek outside provider of the services requested. (Why does this agency need someone else to do their work for them?

o Describe the services requested and discuss how those services should, or should not be provided by someone outside of the agency. (Public provision? Private provider?)

o Describe any budget considerations made part of the RFP, and identify the source of funding to be used for the requested services. Assess the appropriateness and adequacy of the funding source, as well as any alternative funding that may be available. (Does it save money? How? What are other ways they could pay for the service)

o Describe any changes you would make to the RFP or recommendations you would have for the implementing agency. (What could make this a better RFP?)

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