Posted: May 1st, 2015

Research and write a ‘Country Report ‘ on the country of Syria.

Research and write a ‘Country Report ‘ on the country of Syria.

Order Description

Research and write a ‘Country Report ‘ on the country of Syria. This should summarise key features and give key statistical indices. You must analyse and where appropriate explain the most important peculiarities and problems, and identify key aims and issues for the macroeconomic policy of that particular nation.

The Task
Research and write a ‘Country Report ‘ on the country of Syria. This should summarise key features and give key statistical indices. You must analyse and where appropriate explain the most important peculiarities and problems, and identify key aims and issues for the macroeconomic policy of that particular nation.
Rules on plagiarism apply. Attribute all direct quotes and data sources and sources for the points you make. Do not submit large amounts of cut and paste text, write things in your own words.
Maximum word count 2500 words.

•    Describe the structure of the economy and the main sources of the country’s wealth.
•    Is the country industrialised?
•    What agricultural, mineral and industrial goods does it produce and which does it export and import?
•    Describe the balance of trade: exports relative to imports. Is it in surplus or deficit?
•    What is its position in terms of financial flows? Is it a net capital exporter or importer? Is it in debt or surplus?
•    Where does the country stand in key indices, compared to others?
•    Compare GDP, GDP/income per capita, educational and health stats, debt, balance of payments, productivity etc. and any others you feel relevant
•    Describe key macroeconomic indicators.
•    What has been the pattern of growth over the last several years?
•    What is its experience with inflation?
•    What is the unemployment rate?
•    What is the level of gross fixed capital formation?
•    What do indicators show about the effect of the recent financial crash and recession?
•    Identify any other important indices.
•    What is the national development or macroeconomic strategy and current priorities?
•    Identify the key issues and problems for national economic policy.
Use the data sources suggested in class and links detailed in mycourses and any others you find useful. But be critical and sensitive to the authorship of your material—prefer official or academic sources where possible. Don’t rely on Wikipedia or cite it as an authoritative source. If in doubt, consult the tutor.

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